Contact Info

101, Amber Estate, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi. (Pakistan)

Phone: 92-21 34320501-2, 34539306

Mobile: 0301 8225571

Fax: 92-21 34539309



What is NLP?

NLP can be thought of as a ‘Tool Box’ of mental, emotional and physical skills, tools and techniques collected from all forms of effective excellence in all walks of life. It is the study of what works well and what works quickly.

Why Learn NLP?

NLP offers you proven effectiveness. It has already been successfully applied to personal change, organizational development, sports, sales and management to name a few. Since NLP studies how people achieve, you can apply it to any area you choose.

How to Learn NLP?

NLP is experiential in nature, it means that you have to experience the patterns and processes of NLP to really understand and benefit from them