NLP Certification Trainings

 Instructor Led NLP Certification Trainings in Karachi – Pakistan

NLPnext, under the auspices of Transformations Unlimited, offers the following certification trainings in NLP:

  •  Diploma in Neuro Linguistic Programming
  •  Certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming
  •  Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming

The curriculum is based on ANLP (UK) standards and certification is recognized by all the major accreditation bodies internationally.

NLP – The New Technology of Achievement.

NLP is different. NLP is different than any course that you might have attended or any thing that you might have listened to. It is truly the new technology of achievement. When you study NLP, You learn HOW to create changes within yourself and for others. You learn HOW to do it quickly, easily and thoroughly.

Why Learn NLP?

Discover how to succeed and excel in your particular field of expertise.

The secrets behind prosperity, success, achievement and brilliant human performance of every description have been studied and modelled by NLP masters for about 30 years now, and all of these results have been reduced to simple, very effective strategies that you will learn on your NLP training. The secrets of what makes great people great, what makes happiness and how to master your life are in the NLP tool kit for you to learn and install in yourself.NLP Flips0007

NLP offers you proven effectiveness. It has already been successfully applied to personal change, organizational development, sports, sales and management to name a few. Since NLP studies how people achieve, you can apply it to any area you choose. Some specific applications are:

  • Enhanced Confidence
  • The ‘flow state’ or the ‘zone’
  • Making people like you
  • Repairing troubled relationships
  • Building good strong relationships
  • Communicating excellently and effectively
  • Writing fantastic, moving speeches, letters and adverts
  • Persuading and influencing others
  • Getting rid of unwanted habits and behaviours
  • Recovering from past hurts, disappointments and traumas
  • Coping well with criticism and compliments
  • Gaining personal power and magnetism
  • Positive thinking
  • The mind set of making moneyNLP Flips0006
  • Choosing great states and moods at will
  • Collapsing negative states and thoughts
  • Conditioning yourself for success
  • Understanding yourself and others
  • Life Coaching for yourself and for paying clients
  • Therapy for yourself and for paying clients
  • Getting rid of the blocks that stop you or hold you back
  • Eliminating fears and phobias
  • Clear thinking for better decision making
  • Taking stock of your life and aligning yourself with your values
  • Resolving conflict and also resolving inner conflict
  • Finding effective solutions to problems
  • Changing beliefs
  • Upgrading self image and installing more self esteem
  • The art of asking excellent questions
  • And so much more

Whether it’s a job interview or a competition or winning a client or being the one chosen, NLP makes it much easier for you to win and succeed. NLP gives you an unfair advantage over others because you’ll learn how to be the best and how to ‘read’ people, how to predict what they’ll do or think, what makes them tick and how to influence and persuade them.

NLP helps you to live your life with Enthusiasm, Joy and Happiness every day.

Essentially it is a ‘users manual’ for the body, brain and mind. It clearly explains in simple language how and why you do what you do, how and why you feel what you feel, and how to change easily and effortlessly. Any and every human skill, including happiness, great relationships, wealth mastery, fame, genius, sport and every other human skill, has a structure and a strategy and because of this, it can be discovered, learned and installed in others. Many of these have already been clearly mapped and are available for you to install in yourself on your NLP training. These skills, tools and techniques are included in your training and so are the methods of acquiring more of them.

What is NLP?

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NLP is the art and science of personal excellence. It teaches you how to use your own mind in more powerful and effective ways to produce the results you want in all areas of your life. It is also defined as the study of the structure of the subjective experience i.e. how we experience this world around us, how we think and then act to produce the results or the lack thereNLP Flips0001of in our lives.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro part refers to our neurology, nervous system, our five senses. The Linguistic part refers to the Language systems that we have and how it influences our behavior. The programming part refers to our unconscious and habitual ways of acting. NLP therefore is the study of these three things and how they interact with each other to create the results or the lack thereof in our lives.

NLP originated in the mid 70s in the U.S. by Richard Bandler, a brilliant young information scientist and John Grinder, an outstanding professor of Linguistics, and since then has completely changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. It is said to be the most valuable set of skills, tools and techniques ever put together. It is fast, it is effective and it is fun.

NLP can be thought of as a ‘Tool Box’ of mental, emotional and physical skills, tools and techniques collected from all forms of effective excellence in all walks of life. It is the study of what works well and what works quickly.

How to Learn NLP?

Now that you know what NLP is and why you should learn it, the next question is how should one go about learning NLP?

Well the natural progression for most people is to go and buy a book on NLP or to download one, as we so often do now a days. Reading a book on NLP is fine…….as it gives you the knowledge that you are looking for……but hold on………………

NLP is experiential in nature, it means that you have to experience the patterns and processes of NLP to really understand and benefit from them……and this cannot be done by reading only. In order to learn how to swim, you have to get into a swimming pool or a menu cannot be a replacement of an actual meal.

Therefore the best way forward is to enroll into a NLP training once you have decided….haven’t you…that NLP is going to be useful for you….and in my opinion the best and most cost effective way is to book an NLP Practitioner Training.

A NLP Practitioner Training is IDEAL for the newcomer to NLP because it takes you from knowing nothing about the subject to a standard where you will be able to use NLP in your everyday life. In other words it gives you plenty of new skills and learnings that are invaluable.

From there on, you could then decide to take your NLP knowledge to the next level, the level of expertise by doing the Master Practitioner Training and then all the way to “Trainer of NLP”.

Our NLP Practitioner training is offered as:

  •  Intensive training over 4 weekends (Saturdays and Sundays – total 8 days) and the class time runs from 10am to 6pm.
  • Modular training in 4 Modules (4-5 evenings per module) and the class time runs from 6 – 9 pm.

 The training is usually held in our own training room or a hotel in Karachi depending upon the number of participants. The NLP training is full of practice sessions that are great fun. You get first hand experience as you do the practical exercises and as you watch others, especially your trainer, doing them. Hearing or reading words alone does not always result in the skill being acquired, so everything you hear or read on your training includes a practical exercise for you to experiment and play with. The training is easy, fun and playful even though you’ll be learning many serious, powerful, life altering skills and abilities.

NLP is a prestigious, respected international accreditation, provided you learn it with a qualified, recognized trainer. Your trainingshield03 will be conducted and supervised by Payam Siddiqi, who is an internationally certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP. As a Professional Member of Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming (ANLP) UK, he not only teaches the curriculum approved by ANLP but also follows the required Code of Ethics and Practice of the Association.

ANLP UK is a Community Interest Company (CIC) having the primary purpose of providing benefits to the community, rather than to the individuals who own, run or work in them. Their aim is to promote the benefits of NLP, Coaching and Development by encouraging a fair, ethical and consistent approach from Members, Trainers and Subscribers. Our NLP Trainings are listed events of ANLP and satisfy the requirements to be certified as practitioner of NLP. Hence your certification has an international recognition and acceptability and on successful completion you will be entitled to become a Professional Member of ANLP U.K. on payment of prescribed fees.

After Learning NLP

So What Would Happen If You Learned NLP?  


The simple answer is that your life would change!


This seems like a big claim to make……. but one of the most common comments made on feedback forms of NLP Practitioner Trainings is….. that they are life changing. Here are some feedbacks from our practitioner trainings.

This was a great experience. It came at exactly the right time in my life. This training is highly recommended – whether you use this in a professional capacity or not, the tools and techniques you walk away with are life changing! It is definitely an investment in yourself and your personal growth.
Saba Khan


I will be encouraging people to attend NLP as this is a life changing programme. It makes you ready to face the world in a much more positive, brighter and courageous way, it is very inspirational, I am glad I got the opportunity to attend this workshop. I think the flow of the programme was extra ordinary, it made sense at all levels. Great group of people, awesome facilitator and a great learning experience.
Reena Ebrahim, Learning & Development Manager, Standard Chartered Bank


Taking NLP training is a life changing experience. It assists us to grow professionally and personally. NLP teaches us techniques which can make huge positive impact in ones life. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I have gained valuable knowledge of how small modifications can lead to major changes in ones life. I am now a more enlightened & skillful manager after taking NLP course.
Faraz Ul Hassan, Project Manager, Bilogic System (Pvt.) Ltd.


I felt a lot of changes in myself which definitely will bring a positive change in me and my beliefs.
Tahira Khan


So what would specifically happen when you take NLP Practitioner training? Well it differs for everyone but you will have some awesome skills and very useful abilities to affect your communication with others positively and improve every area of your life in ways that will quite astonish you and those you live and work with. As a NLP Practitioner, you will be able to not only coach and champion people; you’ll also have the skills to help them overcome blocks that hinder their success.

So What Would Happen If You did not Learn NLP?  

Not much…….your life would probably stay the same…….you will continue to achieve whatever you are achieving….however big or small. This may be good news or this may be bad news…it all depends upon individual to individual.

So Finally

 After knowing the WHY, the WHAT and HOW to Learn NLP……and WHAT IF that it could change your life……..have a look at the featured trainings to choose the one that is suitable for you.


It will repay you again and again for the rest of your life…..unlike other things that have a very short useful life.



Featured Trainings

3107, 2012

Featured Training 3

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has completely changed the lives of thousands of people world wide and is said to be the most valuable set of skills.

Who is Your Trainer


Payam Siddiqi is an internationally certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP. He is a Professional Member of ANLP (UK) and and all trainings and Sessions are conducted by him. Read More




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What is NLP?

NLP can be thought of as a ‘Tool Box’ of mental, emotional and physical skills, tools and techniques collected from all forms of effective excellence in all walks of life. It is the study of what works well and what works quickly.

  • TNTOA614x400

Why Learn NLP?

NLP offers you proven effectiveness. It has already been successfully applied to personal change, organizational development, sports, sales and management to name a few. Since NLP studies how people achieve, you can apply it to any area you choose.

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How to Learn NLP?


NLP is experiential in nature, it means that you have to experience the patterns and processes of NLP to really understand and benefit from them


This was a great experience. It came at exactly the right time in my life. This training is highly recommended – whether you use this in a professional capacity or not, the tools and techniques you walk away with are life changing! It is definitely an investment in yourself and your personal growth.
Saba Khan
I will be encouraging people to attend NLP as this is a life changing programme. It makes you ready to face the world in a much more positive, brighter and courageous way, it is very inspirational, I am glad I got the opportunity to attend this workshop.
Reena Ebrahim
Taking NLP training is a life changing experience. It assists us to grow professionally and personally. NLP teaches us techniques which can make huge positive impact in ones life. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Faraz Ul Hassan
I learned a lot. This training and experience will give a greater and deep insight into my own and others’ personalities and help me modify and change them positively. This is a training worth attending.
Shafaat Rasul Janjua
I felt a lot of changes in myself which definitely will bring a positive change in me and my beliefs.
Tahira Khan
Great sessions, teaches you a lot about how one could improve on understanding others and self by applying various NLP techniques. Never knew before attending this session that how much is stored in your subconscious mind. EXCELLENT JOB, KEEP IT UP.
Alnoor T. Madhani
This training will definitely help to enhance and fine tune our visions as well as our self growth in a better way.
Syed Tarique Hassan