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Date: To be announced

Time: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Venue: TBA


Instructor Led NLP Certification Trainings in Karachi – Pakistan

Certified Practitioner of NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has completely changed the lives of thousands of people world wide and is said to be the most valuable set of skills, tools and techniques ever put together. It is fast, it is effective and it is fun.

NLP can be thought of as a ‘Tool Box’ of mental, emotional and physical skills, tools and techniques collected from all forms of effective excellence in all walks of life. It is the study of what works well and what works quickly.

Once you’ve done your NLP Practitioner training, you’ll have some awesome skills and very useful abilities to affect your communication with others fantastically and improve every area of your life in ways that will quite astonish you and those you live and work with. As a Practitioner of NLP, you’ll be able to not only coach and champion people; you’ll also have the skills to help them overcome blocks that hinder their success.

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